Get Fuller, Luscious Lips with a Lip Blush Tattoo

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What is Lip Blush Tattoo

"Lip blushing is a form of semi-permanent makeup. It's a cosmetic tattoo of the lips that enhances the beauty of the natural lip colour, improving the shape of the lips, giving definition and the illusion of fullness," said Christina Son, owner of Sugarin Studio in Los Angeles. "This treatment delivers very natural results, once healed. Lip fillers are great for creating volume in your lips, but lip blush delivers a more natural look and gives the illusion of fuller lips."

Here at Angie's Beauty Parlour we offer Lip Blushing services that you are sure to love. Send us a message or call today to learn more about it. You can also check out our Gallery for photos of our regular customer's results.

What is a Lip Blush Tattoo?

So you're interested in getting a lip blush tattoo, but you want to know more? This guide includes more information about lip blush tattooing procedures, how they work, and what kind of results they give. Use this guide to help you determine whether or not you might be a good candidate for this type of treatment.

  • What is a lip blush tattoo?

    Lip blushing is a form of semi-permanent makeup. This cosmetic tattoo of the lips is achieved by depositing pigments using small needles- enhancing the beauty of the natural lip colour and improving the shapes of the lips. 

    This treatment delivers very natural results, once healed. Lip fillers are great for creating volume in your lips, but lip blush delivers a more natural look and gives the illusion of fuller lips.

    A lip blush tattoo is a great alternative for individuals who wish to plump up their lips without getting fillers. 

  • How does it work?

    With lip blush tattoos, a tiny mechanized needle deposits pigment into the lips, which builds layers of colour. It can be used as a corrective service to help even out the tone of the lips, but it can also help with asymmetry. 

    Lip blush tattoos are just as expensive as lip fillers, but they provide much more natural, longer-lasting results and come with a lot of time-saving benefits - which is why they are such a hit with modern women. Sometimes you'll see women with fillers that are too much, but you won't get that with lip blushing. 

  • Who can get a lip blush tattoo?

    Anyone can get a lip blush tattoo. Sometimes having thin lips can affect a person's confidence, which is why a lot of women tend to get fillers in the first place. If you've struggled with the insecurity of smaller lips, then a lip blush tattoo might be worth a try. Not only does a lip blush tattoo make your lips look fuller, but it also adds a natural makeup look- you rarely ever have to apply lipstick or lipgloss. It's time-saving and convenient because you never have to buy any lip products, unless you choose to do so.

  • How long does a lip blush tattoo last?

    Like the cosmetic service of microblading, results of a lip blush tattoo vary from person to person. Generally, lip blushing can last several years (usually anywhere from 2 to 4 years if properly cared for), although your lifestyle contributes to how it is maintained. Things like smoking and sun exposure can speed up the fading process, and if you're oil-prone, have an iron deficiency, or use a lot of exfoliating products in your skincare routine, the pigment could fade more quickly too. If you take good enough care of your lips, you won't need very many touch-up appointments. 

What To Expect: Cost, Preparation, Pain, and Side Effects

Before deciding to go ahead with booking a lip blush tattoo, it's important to know what you can expect to happen at your first appointment. You'll want to know how much it costs, how to prepare for the procedure, as well as risks and side effects that may come along with it. Find more information about that here.

  • How much does a lip blush tattoo cost?

    Lip blushing is a cosmetic procedure, so it's not covered by medical insurance. On average, these procedures can cost anywhere from $400 to $800 per session. Due to the multiple layers required in lip blushing, prices tend to be high.

    Think of your lip blush tattoo the same as you would a regular tattoo: You don't want a $50 tattoo, just like you don't want a semi-permanent lip procedure that costs less than a tube of lipstick. If you want high-quality results, you should expect to pay a few hundred dollars.

  • What can I expect at my first appointment?

    So what happens in an appointment? First, there is pout prep. The technician will apply a topical numbing  anesthetic to pre-numb the lips for 20 minutes. Afterwards, the technician will draw the shape of new lips so that you can evaluate and make changes.

    The procedure usually takes an hour and a half to complete, if not longer, but it depends on the look you're going for. It should not be a painful procedure. Once the appointment is finished, your lips will be a bit swollen, but a week later they will start to heal.

  • How do I prepare for my first appointment?

    You may need to prep for your lip brush tattoo several weeks in advance and potentially talk to your doctor before going under the needle. 

    We recommend skipping lip blushing tattoos if you are pregnant or nursing, take Accutane, steroids or blood-thinning medication, suffer from cold sores, or are prone to inflammation post-treatment. If none of those conditions apply to you, just make sure your lips are healthy and hydrated before your appointment, especially if you're prone to seasonal flakiness. Having chapped lips going into your appointment may be uncomfortable for you and will result in a longer healing time. 

  • What are the risks and side effects?

    With any form of permanent or semi-permanent makeup, there is always a risk of infection and allergic reactions. Our technicians at Angie's Beauty Parlour are highly experienced and our tools are clean and sterilized, so it's very rare that a serious reaction could develop. 

    Most side effects of lip blushing are mild. You will notice some swelling immediately after the procedure. Some swell more than others. Most people will feel like they recently got lip fillers injected. Redness is also common and although rare, bruising. Similar to a regular tattoo, there will be some peeling as the lips heal. 

Benefits Of Lip Blush Tattoos and Aftercare

What are the long-term benefits of lip blushing compared to other treatments? How do you properly care for them after the procedure in order to make them last longer? If you've decided you're still interested in getting a lip blush tattoo, call or send us a message to book your first appointment.

  • Benefits of lip blushing

    Lip blushing gives lips a gorgeous, barely-there flush without the lifetime commitment of a traditional tattoo. The benefits of lip blushing include: 

    • Long-lasting lip colour
    • Increased pigmentation for pale and aging lips
    • The ability to customize your lip shade
    • Fuller looking lips without the need of injections or surgery
    • Enhanced lip symmetry
    • Colour correction for scars and uneven pigmentation
    • Effective for a variety of skin tones

    Thanks to these instant benefits, lip blush tattooing is more in demand than ever. Millions of women all over the world are raving over these types of treatments. It's a big hit in the beauty industry.

  • Lip blushing versus permanent lip colour

    Permanent and semi-permanent makeup for lips isn't a novel concept, but today's lip blushing treatments are not like the permanent makeup of the 1990s. 

    Cosmetic tattooing has come a long way  over the last 10 years. What used to be a harsh, dark tattooed lip liner is now a softer wash of colour that compliments your natural skin and lip tone. In the past, tattoo artists used tattoo inks placed deep into the skin to achieve bright pigmentation and permanent results. Modern lip blushing  uses natural pigments placed into the skin to create semi-permanent and subtle enhancement of the lips. 

  • Aftercare

    The healing process for lip blush tattoos can take up to 10 days. Use some of these aftercare tips listed below to prevent infection and irritation:

    1. Within 24 hours of treatment, you can reduce swelling and tenderness by applying ice packs wrapped in clean paper towels
    2. Keep the area clean and apply a healing balm 
    3. Avoid touching your lips to anything that can potentially irritate them (eg: swimming, kissing, eating spicy food, cosmetics)
    4. Avoid saunas and sunbathing
    5. Resist the urge to pick and scratch at flaky spots
  • Takeaway

    Lip blushing is a form of tattooing to help people achieve more toned and shapely lips. It's a good alternative to other anti-aging lip treatments like fillers. 

    If you decide you are interested in getting a lip blush tattoo,  send us a message in the 'Contact Us' section of our website, or give us a call at 825-436-3743 to book your first appointment with us today. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Book With Us

Lip blush tattoos are one of the many available beauty treatments offered at Angie's Beauty Parlour. We also offer eyebrow tattoos, microneedling, and eyelash extensions. Choose your treatment and book an appointment now.

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Microneedling is another great beauty treatment offered here at Angie's Beauty Parlour. It's a dermaroller cosmetic procedure that is used to treat skin concerns via collagen production. Also known as collagen induction therapy, this treatment may be beneficial to individuals who are looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and large pores.

If you are a generally healthy person who is struggling with skin problems and you want to improve both the look of your complexion and your self-confidence, check out our page on microneedling. It might just be exactly what you need!

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